Working at CFFL in Haiti

Today, Jenks Farmer and I showed the agronomy students at the school how you can use locally grown banana stalks to build raised beds in which bamboo or numerous other plants can be planted. Knox2

The banana stalks can look beautiful when the top layer is peeled off.

The banana stalk beds were filled with  chopped up banana leaves, chicken manure, peanut shells and dirt.  What I really liked about what we did it that it sticks out, so no one will tread on the young plants. Over time, the banana trunks and sticks we used to build the raised beds will break down and add nutrients the the newly rooted plants.

We really liked this design because it involved using what was available and what was free. Often people can overlook the beauty of something in their own back yard.

Some of the students have volunteered to come back this Friday to help Jenks and me build more banana log beds.


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