Amazing trip to the DR with great friends

This past weekend my friends Jenn, Jenks, Nicole and I went to the Dominican Republic and it was one of the best trips I have been on. One of the first things I noticed was how kind and helpful people were. We arrived mid afternoon on Saturday and met up with Jenks’s long time friends Thomas, Dorka, and their daughter Milvia. They are from the DR,however they have only briefly ever passed through the city of San Juan De La Maguana where we stayed.

After a quick bite to eat and a few beers off we went in search of an old fashioned barber. Before the trip Jenks, who has been to the Dominican before, was describing the skill of barbers there and the experience of a straight razor shave. I have always wanted to try one but have never had a barber who gave them. But after a quick search we realized we had waited too late and most of the barbers were closed. Therefore we continued to explore the city and enjoy our evening with the hopes of finding a barber the next day.

Jen had purchased an avocado and after about two hours of walking around we were beginning to get hungry. After approaching a street vendor and working out the price for bread I was touched to see them offer to cut and peel the avocado and make the sandwiches for us. However this was only my first experience on the trip of the kindness of people there.

The next day after breakfast we once again went off in search of a barber, while searching we found a great little hair salon and split up from the girls while they got haircuts. Jenks, Tommy, and I then went off to grab a few things and continue our search for a straight razor shave. We stopped in a shop so I could grab a hat and Jenks could grab a shirt. Tommy struck up a conversation with the store manager/ owner– asking the mans advice on a good barber. The man knew exactly where to go. and even asked us to hop in his little sedan then drove us to the barber shop which was closed. So he took us to the best place in town to get a special, local, Lebanese style cheese!

That night we spent our time eating, drinking, and playing dominoes while watching the Super Bowl. Finally, the next morning, Jenks and I headed to the barbershop while the girls did some last minute shopping.

Man oh man was it an experience to have a straight razor shave. Warm shaving cream, a straight razor, some ribbing from the older guys about this being my first time and five minutes and I was done with my first ever barber shave.

Jenks and I then left and and went to meet up with the girls and grab breakfast. We were searching for egg empanadas and were having some trouble so we stopped at a tailors shop and asked directions. Once again I was witness to the kindness of people in the Dominican. The tailor who was working as we came up said he could help, so after telling a coworker he’d be right back out he came and off we went following him to the wonderful restaurant a few blocks away. Once we were there and he helped us order, off he went back to work and we ate a wonderful last breakfast on our trip. We then flagged down a taxi negotiated a price and back we went to the border of Haiti. Thus ended our trip to the Dominican leaving me with great friends and the feeling like I was welcomed, and would be welcomed anytime in this little Dominican pueblo.

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